The development potential of the wider region of Serres — Drama — Kavala, at the heart of the «1st Amphipolis Forum» organized by Kourtidis Group

Important speeches by government representatives and great presenters 

Successful and important participation of entrepreneurs and investors

“Exceptional success of the «1st Amphipolis Forum» — Message of the honorable, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras – The inaugural speech was declared by the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Nikos Panagiotopoulos — Statements of deputy ministers, local authorities, scientists and businessmen on the archaeological heritage, the infrastructure, the tourism and further development prospects. 


«The Great»… with obvious symbolisms, the name of the new hotel complex of «Kourtidis Group», which will function as a lever for tourism and investment development in the wider region.


With very important attendees, from the fields of politics, local government and business and with excellent narratives in relation to infrastructure, tourism, investments and overall development prospects in the wider region, the 1st Amphipolis Forum was completed on the evening of Friday, July 12, at the outdoor areas of the Amphipolis Conference Center.

The 1st Amphipolis Forum was held by Kourtidis Group in conjunction with the Municipality of Amphipolis, under the auspices of the Deputy Ministry of Interior (Macedonia – Thrace), the Region of Central Macedonia, the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace and the Chambers of Serres, Drama and Kavala.

Audiovisual material and a message by the honorable, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras were projected, at the opening of the forum.


«I am very happy for the Forum that is being «born» today in a place of many symbolisms. The 1st Developmentl, Business and Economic «Amphipolis Forum» takes place at the Conference Center of the Municipality of Amphipolis and at a place against the backdrop of the famous archaeological site. A place that «came to light» from the bowels of the land of Macedonia, revealing unique treasures, which still compose a truly unique mosaic of Greek heritage» stressed in his written message, the honorable, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and -among other things, noted: «I wish that this legendary place will continue to mark -not only the legacy of the past that it carries, but also the business successes of today and the development prospects of tomorrow. I had the honour to see personally, as Prime Minister, that it is a blessed and beautiful place. With wonderful and hospitable residents, special tourist treasures and good businessmen who love their homeland and invest significantly in the area. Already, given these facts, its future looks bright.»


Opening by the Minister of Migration and Asylum Mr. Nikos Panagiotopoulos


The proceedings of the 1st Amphipolis Forum were announced, in the presence of a large audience, by the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Nikos Panagiotopoulos.

«It is a great honor and joy for me personally to be here, today, among you, in Historic Eastern Macedonia, under the gaze of the Lion of Amphipolis, which, although seated, does not rest, but supervises, as an eternal guardian this part of Greece, this piece of Macedonian land,» said Mr. Panagiotopoulos.

In addition, apart from the Kasta Tomb, he referred to other monuments such as the archaeological site of Philippi, the Baptistery of Lydia of Philippia and other landmarks of the area, which guarantee a steady course of development for the future, as «place names of global scope» and added:

«The interest in investments that exists from these entrepreneurs who are considering their development activity in Northern Greece is also important. The aim of the forum is to introduce and present that knowledge and all the necessary information, which can evolve into a substantial development for the region, through cooperation based on its many comparative advantages».


The Deputy Minister of Interior (Macedonia – Thrace) Mr. Kostas Gioulekas also addressed a greeting. «When one is here one feels awe, because one is next to a very charged place, one of the bases of the greatest Greek of all time, the greatest general of all time and the greatest civilizer of all time, Alexander the Great,» said Mr. Gioulekas and continued: «But Macedonia does not only have a glorious past, it has a very important present and has a very important future. And today the municipality of Amphipolis, Mayor, Mr. Frastanlis and the President of Kourtidis Group, Mr. Nikos Kourtidis, really show for how many hidden forces this place has.»


The Mayor of Amphipolis, Mr. Stergios Frastanlis, underlined his unconditional and heartfelt support for the 1st Amphipolis Forum and expressed the certainty that it will develop into an important institution in the coming years, because -as he said- the area has a rare natural beauty and a special historical and cultural richness.


«The land of mythical Orpheus, King Philip and Alexander the Great. Birthplace of our own, the late, Honorable, President Konstantinos Karamanlis. Crossroads of peoples and cultures. Unique combination of mountains and seas. Traditional villages and holiday towns and villages. The great archaeological site where we are standing with the Museum of Amphipolis and the Kasta Tomb, which we hope will become a top tourist destination in the years to come. We warmly thank the organisers and remain committed that the municipality will actively support such initiatives


The event was addressed by the President of Kourtidis Group, Mr. Nikos Kourtidis and the Vice President of Kourtidis Group, Ms. Konstantina Dimitrova, the Deputy Regional Governor of Serres of the Region of Central Macedonia Mr. Panagiotis Spyropoulos, the Deputy Regional Governor of Kavala of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Mr. Theodoros Markopoulos, the President of Serres Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Thanasis Malliaras, the President of Drama Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Stefanos Georgiadis and finally the President of Kavala Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Markos Debas.


The 1st Amfipolis Forum highlighted development issues regarding the infrastructure, the investments and tourism of the area



In three thematic sections, great speakers and coordinators approached and developed all the development issues of the wider coastal area from the Strymonikos Gulf to Thassos, as well as the areas of the prefectures of Serres, Kavala and Drama as a whole. The important developments and the new data from Tourism, Investments and Infrastructure, were the main issues around the development prospects of the region.

In the first session, entitled «Infrastructure», the projects and plans for the wider region were presented by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Mr. Nikos Tachiaos, the Deputy Minister of Health, Mr. Dimitris Vartzopoulos, the CEO of Egnatia Aviation Mr. George Zografakis and the Head of Strategy Development of Grecian Air Seaplanes Ms. Maria Toktor.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Mr. Nikos Tachiaos said that «projects can obviously be done by leveraging private capital» and on the Drama-Amphipolis motoway, he said: «I see that very soon it can be contracted, it is a project that is currently under tender and in a competition process. On July 24, 25 and 26, the B-1 phase of the competitive dialogue is underway. It is a P.P.P of 250 million, it is a project that will definitely change the region and which we expect to reach the stage of contracting within 2025

Regarding the Serres-Drama-Kavala motorway, Mr. Tachiaos said that «one piece has been auctioned and the others are maturing«. «The big change we will see in the area, for the country will be the concession of Egnatia Odos motorway. Egnatia – as you know, is granted to a private individual, the contract has already been signed and its ratification will be passed by Parliament this summer,» Mr. Tachiaos added.


Deputy Health Minister Mr. Dimitris Vartzopoulos noted that more medical staff are needed during peak months and added: «The mobile population does not have the same health needs as the permanent population«, saying that usually mild, orthopedic cases arise and «what is needed in the area is a high volume of medical staff». Mr. Vartzopoulos stressed that when a major accident occurs and transportation to the hospital is needed, good road access is of great importance.


The vice-president of the Parliament, Mr. George Georgantas, underlined the importance of contributing to other productive activities around tourism. «Tourism-related goods and services need to be created in the region so that the region can embrace tourism development.» Georgantas recommended that hotels buy local products if possible so that producers can participate and encourage tourism development.

During the discussion, the great potential of the region to develop better air connections was highlighted, as it is close to foreign capitals, parking fees at local airports are more affordable, the prospect of the creation of water airports, using seaplanes, etc.


At the end of the session there was the a presentation, unique in every way, entitled: «Kasta Tomb: The emblematic Macedonian monument, a stone’s throw away», by the Architect Engineer and Head of the Department of Studies of the Directorate for the Restoration of Ancient Monuments of the Ministry of Culture, Dr. Michalis Lefantzis. «I have made four-hour speeches all over the planet, I have made more than forty speeches about the Kasta Tomb and its architecture, this is the first time I speak about the Kasta Tomb in Amphipolis and I thank Amphipolis very much for this,» said Mr. Lefantzis, addressing the organizers and the public and added: «We, the Ministry of Culture, ask you to Love the monument!»


In the second session entitled «Tourism», the Vice-President of the Hellenic Parliament, Mr. George Georgantas, Costa Navarino executive, Mr. George Hadjiiosif, SETE Executive Director Mr. Alexandros Thanos, Senior Consultant Convention Bureau, Ms. Eleni Sotiriou and “So Fine” representative, Ms. Tonia Fouseki referred to tourism development and management.


In the third session entitled «Investments», the growth potential and the upward trend of attracting investors from Greece and abroad were highlighted by the General Manager of Enterprise Greece Strategic Investments, Mr. Akis Sklavos, the Senior Director of Business Centers Northern Greece of Piraeus Bank, Mr. Andreas Dimitriadis, the CPA Head of Northern Greece Grant Thornton, Mr. Christos Vargiemezis, the CPA Head of Advisory Department Northern Greece Grant Thornton, Mr. Apostolos Bouzanis, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Elastic, Ms, Ria Vogiatzi – Xenou and the Deputy Mayor of Tourism of Thassos Yiannis Markianos.


The goal of the 1st Amphipolis Forum was to «unite» developmentally the two regions of Central and Eastern Macedonia – Thrace and the four regional units of Thessaloniki, Serres, Kavala and Drama, which interact, with mutual benefits, the maximization of which -as it emerged at the conference- is within the capabilities and prospects of the wider region.

The main objective of the forum was to highlight the comparative advantages of the region and the prospects for development, through the use and management of all potentials, as well as the opportunities for significant dynamics and development through tourism, investments and through the utilization of infrastructure.


The «1st Amphipolis Forum» aspires to continue to promote the opportunities and development prospects, in the coming years, as an institution that highlights and connects the excellent data and comparative advantages with the challenges, opportunities and strategic choices of the development future of the wider region.


Address by the President of «Kourtidis Group», Mr. Nikos Kourtidis – «The Great» the name of the Group’s emblematic investment


Special reference to the importance of the Forum for the excellent presentations in three sections, infrastructure, tourism, investments, was made by the «host» of the event and president of «Kourtidis Group», Mr. Nikos Kourtidis.

«Today, thanks to the presence of such important attendees, I feel that Greece is once again turning its gaze to Amphipolis and this is important«, Mr. Nikos Kourtidis stressed, that «the goal of the conference is ambitious, but also completely achievable«, that is, the development of the wider region, «the entire coastal front from the Strymonikos Gulf to Thassos, as well as the prefectures of Serres, Kavala and Drama«.

Mr. Kourtidis also stressed that the region has all the conditions to turn into an «important pole of development», saying: «The future of our children is in our hands and the right time is now

«We all travel frequently and visit some of the world’s top destinations. Allow me to say it as I feel it: Yes, we are not lagging behind many top destinations! We have already taken the decisive steps«, continued Mr. Kourtidis and added:

«Project “Alexandrou Chora” is in full swing and in the final phase of the redesiging all its architectural aspects. As you know, it will be under the umbrella of a leading global Brand and I have chosen today for the first time, here at this meeting, to make the unveiling of the name of the Hotel complex: «The Great».

Mr. Kourtidis added: «However, we must not stop investing in modern tourism facilities, innovation and, at the same time, continue to promote sustainable tourism development that respects the environment and the local culture. I will repeat the phrase. With respect for the environment, yes, projects with respect for the future of our children«.


Address by the Vice-President of «Kourtidis Group», Ms. Konstantina Dimitrova


Kourtidis Group Vice President Ms. Konstantina Dimitrova noted her satisfaction with the «vindication» of the Group’s choice to invest, in the region, in difficult times and her certainty that the future will be even more promising.

«It was a strategic choice for the group to operate in this wider region, against sirens that sounded loudly, pushing to make “easier choices”, in areas more «glamourous» and more promoted,» said Mrs. Dimitrova and added: «For us, there was no dilemma. Our choice was this coast, Thassos and the prefectures of Serres, Drama and Kavala«.

Mrs. Dimitrova underlined that the Group has put its mark on the development of the region, which «enters emphatically on the tourist and investment map of the country» as our «daily communication and experience with investors from all over the world and their response is just a confirmation that the prospects for growth in the future are limitless«. «Since 2020, as a group, we have put in place many ambitious plans… In total, only during the year we visited 12 different countries, we have created relationships of trust and we have specific investment results from all these foreign markets, which is something that confirms that this region is now starting to open its arms to large investors. We targeted and achieved real results in New York and San Francisco in America, Cannes in France, Finland, and elsewhere”

Mrs. Dimitrova underlined that «Kourtidis Group is active in Real estate, Construction, Investments and Tourism«, with the production «chain» that revolves around the Group’s total activity «now having 700 «links», meaning 700 families» and added:

«Apart from the European top awards, somewhere out there at the world real estate conferences, for example in Las Vegas, they wonder where on the world map are some offices in some areas named Kariani, Tuzla, Kavala and Thassos, which are placed among the world awards, between and above offices in New York, Berlin, Paris and London. All these elements lead to a safe conclusion. We have created and are creating added value. Moreover, the dynamics in tourism only support and confirm our optimistic estimates«.

The curtain of the forum opened with a presentation by the Communications Manager of Kourtidis Group, Mr. Grigoris Avanidis, referring to the objectives of the conference.

The coordinators of the event and its thematic sections were the director of the English edition of the newspaper «Kathimerini» Mr. Athanasios Ellis and the well-known journalist Mr. Dimitris Kampourakis.


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