
Three RE/MAX Choice Teams Achieve Global Real Estate Excellence

Kourtidis Group’s real estate company traveled to Las Vegas to receive three prestigious "Diamond" awards A major milestone for the Greek real estate market was achieved in Las Vegas at the RE/MAX R4 Global Convention. Three RE/MAX Choice teams - “Team Kariani,” “Team Touzla,” and…

Kourtidis Group Recognized as a „Great Place to Work” in Greece

A certification that confirms the Group’s commitment to a healthy and ideal work environment. With great pride, Kourtidis Group announces the prestigious "Great Place to Work" certification, a recognition based on the anonymous evaluations of its employees. With an impressive score of 95%, this certification…

The development potential of the wider region of Serres – Drama – Kavala, at the heart of the „1st Amphipolis Forum” organized by Kourtidis Group

Important speeches by government representatives and great presenters  Successful and important participation of entrepreneurs and investors “Exceptional success of the "1st Amphipolis Forum" - Message of the honorable, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras – The inaugural speech was declared by the Minister of Migration and…

Ziarul Financiar: „Kourtidis Group: Un grup de companii grecesc care domină piaţa internaţională de investiţii imobiliare”

Dezvoltarea, noile produse şi colaborarea cu RE/MAX România Extroversiunea, dinamismul, proiectele uriaşe şi o serie de mişcări de succes în afaceri au făcut din compania grecească Kourtidis Group unul dintre cele mai importante grupuri de companii din Grecia, care acum pătrunde pe noi pieţe din întreaga lume.…
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