Kourtidis group participates in the 36th Philoxenia

A leading group – A new destination – A vision that is becoming a reality

From 12 to 14 of November, in Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre, the 36th International Tourism Exhibition Philoxenia will take place. Kourtidis group, a group of companies keenly active in the fields of tourism, construction, real estate, and investments, could not be absent.

Philoxenia is an important event for the professionals of the tourism field and is the suitable opportunity for the promotion of the actions of Kourtidis group in Ofrynio Beach – Costa Ofrynio and the establishment of the area as a new ideal tourism destination.

The great vision of Kourtidis group is now the implementation of its new project, the Alexandrou Chora. It is a project that includes within 175.000sq.m. the creation of a luxurious hotel Resort, a Spa Hotel, a model Village of 200 residencies and a top Theme Park. This project will generally change the economic and social status of the area and will develop furthermore its tourist dynamic.

The official first presentation of Alexandrou Chora project will take place in Philoxenia and those who will visit the exhibition space of Kourtidis group will have the chance to learn everything about it. In addition, they will have the opportunity to become more familiar with the group of companies, its actions, and the 6 companies that constitute it. Remax Choice, Oiko Kourtidis, Costa Ofrynio Booking, VIP After Sales and GIS.

Exhibition Philoxenia (TIF – Helexpo)

12 to 14 Nov 2021

Kiosk 13 – Stand B8
Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre

Friday: 11:00-20:00 Only for business visitors
Saturday: 10:00-20:00 & for the public
Sunday: 10:00-19:00 & for the public

For your visit at the exhibition, it is necessary to fill in the visitor’s registration form on Philoxenia’s website.



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